$19.95 plus shipping and handling from Practical Things, LLC., P.O. Box 6777, San Pedro, Calif. 90734, phone: 310-874-8346, Internet: www.practical-things.com
Suggested by Catherine Conner of Hamburg, Germany.
Here's the ideal gift item for anybody who flies on commercial airplanes and is basically immune from embarrassment. This is a restraining device that wraps around your head and attaches to your seat, so that you can fall asleep without having your head flop over, leaving you drooling into the lap of the businessperson seated next to you. What do you care if you look like an idiot? Let the other passengers laugh at you and put leftover airline food in your hair! You're getting your rest!
This is also a great item for people taking long car trips. Although we do not recommend it for the driver, unless the road is really straight.