Class Clown: The Memoirs of a Professional Wiseass
How I Went 77 Years Without Growing Up
America’s most beloved wiseass finally tells his life story with all the humor you’d expect from a man who made a career out of making fun of pretty much everything.
How does the son of a Presbyterian minister wind up winning a Pulitzer Prize for writing a wildly inaccurate newspaper column read by millions of people?
In Class Clown, Dave Barry takes us on a hilarious ride, starting with a childhood largely spent throwing rocks for entertainment—there was no internet—and preparing for nuclear war by hiding under a classroom desk. After literally getting elected class clown in high school, he went to college, where, as an English major, he read snippets of great literature when he was not busy playing in a rock band (it was the sixties).
He began his journalism career at a small-town Pennsylvania newspaper where he learned the most important rule of local journalism: never confuse a goose with a duck. His journey then took a detour into the business world, where as a writing consultant he spent years trying, with limited success, to get corporate folks to, for God’s sake, get the point. Somehow from there he wound up as a humor columnist for The Miami Herald, where his boss was a wild man who encouraged him to write about anything that struck him as amusing and to never worry about alienating anyone.
His columns were not popular with everyone: He managed to alienate a vast army of Neil Diamond fans, and the entire state of Indiana. But he also developed a loyal following of readers who alerted him to the threat of exploding toilets, not to mention the fire hazards posed by strawberry pop-tarts and Rollerblade Barbie, which he demonstrated to the nation on the David Letterman show. He led his readers on a crusade against telemarketers that ultimately caused the national telemarketers association to stop answering its own phones because it was getting—irony alert—too many unwanted calls. He has also run for president multiple times, although so far without success.
He became a book author and joined a literary rock band, which was not good at playing music but did once perform with Bruce Springsteen, who sang backup to Dave. As for his literary merits, Dave writes: “I’ll never have the critical acclaim of, say, Marcel Proust. But was Marcel Proust ever on Carson? Did he ever steal a hotel sign for Oprah?”
Class Clown isn’t just a memoir; it’s a vibrant celebration of a life rich with humor, absurdity, joy, and sadness. Dave says the most important wisdom imparted by his Midwestern parents was never to take anything too seriously. This laughter-filled book is proof that he learned that lesson well. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2025 |
A Field Guide to the Jewish People
Who They Are, Where They Come From, What to Feed Them ... and Much More. Maybe Too Much More
The last book on Judaism you will ever have to buy, this hilarious tome from three comedy legends contains the sweetness of an apricot rugelach and all the wisdom of a matzoh ball.
Why do random Jewish holidays keep springing up unexpectedly? Why are yarmulkes round? Who was the first Jewish comedian? Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2019 |
Lessons From Lucy
The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog
Faced with the obstacles and challenges of life after middle age, Dave Barry turns to his best dog, Lucy, to learn how to live his best life. From "Make New Friends" (an unfortunate fail when he can't overcome his dislike for mankind) to "Don't Stop Having Fun" (validating his longtime membership in a marching unit that performs in parades--and even Obama's inauguration), Dave navigates his later years with good humor and grace. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2019 |
Best. State. Ever.: A Florida Man Defends His Homeland
A Florida Man Defends His Homeland
We never know what will happen next in Florida. We know only that, any minute now, something will. Every few months, Dave Barry gets a call from some media person wanting to know, "What the hell is wrong with Florida?" Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2016 |
Live Right and Find Happiness (Although Beer is Much Faster)
During the course of living (mumble, mumble) years, Dave Barry has learned much of wisdom,* (*actual wisdom not guaranteed) and he is eager to pass it on—to the next generation, the generation after that, and to those idiots who make driving to the grocery store in Florida a death-defying experience. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2015 |
You Can Date Boys When You're Forty
Dave Barry on Parenting and Other Topics He Knows Very Little About
A brilliantly funny exploration of the twin mysteries of parenthood and families from the Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times–bestselling author of Insane City. In his bestselling I'll Mature When I'm Dead, Dave Barry embarked on the treacherous seas of adulthood, to hilarious results. What comes next? Parenthood, of course, and families. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2014 |
I'll Mature When I'm Dead
A brilliantly funny exploration of the treacherous state of adulthood by the Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2010 |
Dave Barry's History of the Millennium (So Far)
A brilliantly funny look at the tumultuous recent past from the Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2007 |
Dave Barry's Money Secrets
Did you ever wish that you really understood money? Well, Dave Barry wishes that he did, too. But that hasn't stopped him from writing this book. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2006 |
Boogers Are My Beat
In Boogers Are My Beat, Dave gives us the real scoop on:
• RV camping in the Wal-Mart parking lot
• Outwitting "smart" kitchen appliances and service contracts
And much, much more. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2004 |
Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway
Just in time, Dave Barry supplies the wholly original, much needed history and guide to the new American politics and its three capitals, Washington, D.C., Austin, and South Florida. No surprise: it's hilarious. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2002 |
Dave Barry Is Not Taking This Sitting Down
Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist Dave Barry is a pretty amiable guy. But lately, he's been getting a little worked up. What could make a mild-mannered man of words so hot under the collar? Well, a lot of things–like bad public art, Internet millionaires, SUVs, Regis Philbin . . . Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2001 |
Homes and Other Black Holes
At long last, Dave Barry, the dean of everything, lets you in on the deepest, darkest mysteries of life and answers your hysterical home purchase questions like they've never been answered before. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 2000 |
Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need
Complete with maps, histories, quaint local facts (France's National Underwear Changing Day is March 12), song lyrics, helpful hints on how to get through Customs (all insects must be spayed), and tidbits from Dave Barry's own fond vacation nightmares. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1999 |
Dave Barry Turns Fifty
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist comes a celebration of the aging process. Not just Dave's, but that of the whole Baby Boom Generation—those millions of us who set a standard for whining self-absorption that will never be equaled. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1999 |
Dave Barry Is from Mars and Venus
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, bestselling author, and Wheel of Fortune contestant Dave Barry exposes the shattering truth. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1998 |
Dave Barry Slept Here
A Sort of History of the United States
If you love to laugh, if you love your country, if you are unaware that "the Sixth Amendment states that if you are accused of a crime, you have the right to a trial before a jury of people too stupid to get out of jury duty," Dave Barry Slept Here is the book for you. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1997 |
Dave Barry's Greatest Hits
What Dave Barry did for the men's movement in his Complete Guide to Guys and for foreign relations when he did Japan he now does for . . . everything in America. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1997 |
Dave Barry in Cyberspace
A self-professed computer geek who actually does Windows 95, bestselling humorist Dave Barry takes us on a hilarious hard drive via the information superhighway—and into the very heart of cyberspace, asking the provocative question: If God had wanted us to be concise, why give us so many fonts? Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1997 |
Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys
For thousands of years, women have asked themselves: What is the deal with guys, anyway? What are they thinking? The answer, of course, is: virtually nothing. Deep down inside, guys are extremely shallow. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1996 |
Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP Dave Barry wouldn't lie—and here are the real life, laugh-out-loud stories from across America to prove it. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1995 |
Dave Barry Does Japan
Not since George Bush's memorable dinner with the Japanese prime minister has the Land of the Rising Sun seen the likes of a goodwill ambassador like Dave Barry. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1993 |
Dave Barry Talks Back
Yet another collection of Barry wit and wisdom by the Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist and the author of Dave Barry Turns 40. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1992 |
Dave Barry Turns Forty
If you're too young for a nursing home yet too old to be a rock star, if your marriage is as exciting as scraping grass off the lawnmower blades, then this hilarious book by Pulitzer-Prize-winning columnist and author is for you. Read more>>
Nonfiction | 1991 |