Any complaints, see Vinny -- on visiting days

By Vincent "Vinny" Setala - Press Secretary


July 14, 1999

I am pleased to announce my appointment to the post of Press Secretary in the upcoming election campaign of Dave "The Total Package" Barry.  As referenced in Dave's candidacy confirmation article of July 4, 1999, I am available to illuminate Dave's position on any of the numerous issues that are of vital importance to the American people.  We have absolutely nothing to hide; other than those things we don't want anybody to know about so please feel free to ask me about anything you may feel important.

Some of you may be a bit confused as to the reasons why I was selected to this crucial position.  You shouldn't be.  Dave made it perfectly clear.  So don't bug me about it.  This isn't about me anyway.  It is about you and the future os this great nation, should you be so gullible as to elect another of these slickly-packaged hacks that purport to be honest politicians with your best interests in mind, rather than the Man-For-The-Millennium, Dave Barry.  Keep in mind that whereas these other candidates operate from the dubious position that they are pure as the driven snow when even the most cursory look at their background will show that they are lying through their perfectly capped teeth, Dave's life is an open book.  The Ecology?  Dave wants one.   Special Interest Groups?   Show us the Benjamins, baby.  Dav's World View?It's round and it spins.  Check an encyclopedia.   Anything else?  Just Ask.

One thing though.  Since my postiion has been announced, the Prison Mailroom has been swamped by a mountain of letters rom beautiful women all over the world who are drawn to immense power and who keep pestering me for romantic dalliances.  I am too busy for dallyin, and Dave mentioned, I am in prison so dallying is altogether too tempting and too distracting.  Due to my position I need to be strong and resist my romantic instincts, and stand behind the bedrock principles espoused by Dave.  If you simply can't help yourself, that's okay I guess.  I understand.  Just make sure to send pictures and copies of recent bank statements.  I may be easy, but I'm not cheap.

The New Millennium is a New Beginning, so make your vote count!  Our future generations will admire you, and today's generation will profit from your superb insight and impeccable taste in electing the only person out there suitable to lead us into the next century.   Vote for Dave Barry. It's the Only Thing. It's the Right Thing. And it will Freak-Them-Out! If you don't believe me, just ask me. I'll tell ya.

Vincent "Vinny" Setala - Press Secretary
Halawa Prison 99-902 Moanalua Road, Aiea, Hawaii, USA 96701